Papers and Publications

Oswell, J.M. 2021. Soil mechanics for pipeline stress analysis, 2nd edition. Naviq Consulting Inc., Calgary Canada. 402 pgs. ISBN: 9780995241015.

Oswell, J.M., J. Nichols, G. Meronek and P. Sombyk. 2021. Effect of backfill temperatures on axial restraint of pipelines. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 12(3).

Oswell, J.M., J. Hart and N. Zulfiqar 2019. The effect of geotechnical parameter variability on soil-pipeline inter­action parameters. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice for publication, 10(4), November 2019.

Oswell, J.M. 2019. Chapter 9. Erosion and sediment control of pipeline rights-of-way. In Pipeline Geohazards: Planning, Design, Construction and Operations. Edited by Moness Rizkalla and Rod Read. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Press, New York.

Oswell, J.M. 2019. Chapter 10. Geotechnical aspects of pipelines in permafrost. In Pipe­line Geohazards: Planning, Design, Construction and Operations. Edited by Moness Rizkalla and Rod Read. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Press, New York.

Oswell, J.M., 2017. Geotechnical issues important in pipeline stress analysis. Pro­ceedings, 6th China International Pipeline Conference. Langfang, PRC. October 16-18, 2017.

Oswell, J.M. 2016. Soil mechanics for pipeline stress analysis. Naviq Consulting Inc., Calgary AB. 240 pgs.

Baba, H., Oswell, J., Matusieqicz, K., and Militano, G. 2015. Geotechnical deep foundation design challenges in discontinuous permafrost of northern Manitoba.  Proceedings, 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference/68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference.  Quebec City, QB. September 2015.

Oswell, J.M. and Nixon. J.F. 2015. Thermal design considerations for raised structures on per­mafrost.  ASCE Cold Regions Engineering Journal, Vol. 29(1).

Oswell, J.M. 2014. Management of natural hazards on high pressure natural gas pipeline routes for LNG export, British Columbia, Canada. Proceedings, 2014 China Oil & Gas Forum, Langfang, China.

Oswell, J.M. and G. Chiriboga. 2013. Geotechnical aspects of a pipeline rupture in Ecuador: factors and mitigation.  Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Pipeline Geotech­nical Conference, Bogota, Colombia.  Paper IPG2013-1953.

Oswell,J.M.,  R. Stancliffe, R. Coutts. 2012.  Preliminary development of a field tool to assess the load capacity of frozen muskeg.  Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Permafrost, Salekhard, Russia, June 2012.

Oswell,J.M.,  R. Stancliffe, R. Coutts, V. Karambelkar and M. Wood. 2011. Allowable drill rig wheel loads on frozen muskeg.  Proceedings, Arctic Technology Conference, Houston, TX. February 7 – 9, 2011.

Oswell, J.M. 2011. Discussion of “A review of 41 legal cases involving geotechnical practice in Canada”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 48(4): 676 – 677.

Oswell, J.M. 2011. Pipelines in permafrost: geotechnical issues and lessons. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 48: 1412 – 1431.

Oswell, J.M. 2010. A review of permafrost issues in pipeline integrity.  Proceedings, 3rd World Conference on Safety of Oil and Gas Industry.  September 27 – 28, 2010, Beijing, China.

Oswell, J.M. 2010. Pipelines in permafrost: geotechnical issues and lessons.  R.M. Hardy Key­note Address: 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference/6th Canadian Permafrost Confer­ence, Calgary, Alberta. September 2010.

Nixon, J.F. and J.M. Oswell, 2010.  Analytical solutions for peak and residual uplift resistance of pipelines. 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference/6th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Calgary, Alberta. September 2010.

Oswell, J.M., M. Mitchell, G. Chalmers and H. Mackinvin, 2010. Design, construction and initial performance of wind turbine foundations in Antarctica.  63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference/6th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Calgary, Alberta. September 2010.

Burgess, M. M., J. M. Oswell and S. Smith. 2010. Government-industry collaborative monitoring of a pipeline in permafrost – the Norman Wells Pipeline experience, Canada. 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference/6th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Calgary, Alberta. September 2010.

Oswell, J.M. and J.R. Everts. 2008. Field trials of surface insulation materials for permafrost protection. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska. Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Oswell, J.M., D. Skibinsky and S. Radmard. 2007.  Porewater pressure response to thawing permafrost.  Proceedings, 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa Ontario.

Oswell, J.M. and D. Skibinsky. 2006. Thaw responses in degrading permafrost.  Proceedings of the International Pipeline Conference 2006, Calgary, Canada.  Paper IPC06-10616.

Oswell, J.M. and A. Tchekhovski. 2005. Discussion of: Field investigation of soil heave by a large diameter chilled gas pipeline experiment, Fairbanks Alaska. Paper by S.L. Huang, M.T. Bray, S. Akagawa and M. Fukuda, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, ASCE, 19(1): 30-36

Oswell, J.M., D. Skibinsky, and P. Cavanagh. 2005.  Discussion of: Frost heave and pipeline upheaval buckling.  Paper by A.  Palmer and P. Williams, Canadian Geotechnical Jour­nal, 42: 323 – 324.

Oswell, J.M. and K. Barnes.  2004.  Some experiences of thaw settlement of infrastructure. Pro­ceedings, the Cold Regions Engineering & Construction Conference.  Edmonton, Canada. Paper 3, Session 2.

Oswell, J.M., K. O’Hashi, and M. Hirata. 2003. Some engineering challenges to design, con­struction and operation of export oil and gas from Russia to the Far East.  Proceedings of the 22nd World Gas Congress, Tokyo, June 1-5. Working Group 9.

Barnes, K., J.M. Oswell,  and E. Cigala. 2003.New Aurora College, Inuvik NT: Foundation Design and Construction.Proceedings of the 56th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Winnipeg, Canada.

Oswell, J.M. 2002.  Geotechnical aspects of northern pipeline design and construction.  Pro­ceedings of the International Pipeline Conference 2002, Calgary, Canada.  Paper IPC02-27327.

Doblanko, R.M., J.M. Oswell, A.J. Hanna 2002.  Right-of-Way and Pipeline Monitoring in per­mafrost – the Norman Wells Pipeline experience.  Proceedings of the International Pipe­line Conference 2002, Calgary, Canada.  Paper IPC02-27357.

Oswell, J.M., D. G. Sparrow, A. Costin, and P. Macdonald. 2000.  The construction and perfor­mance of a 14 m deep parkade in downtown Calgary.  Proceedings of the 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal, Canada.  885 – 890.

Oswell, J.M., A.J. Hanna, R.M. Doblanko, and S.A. Wilkie. 2000.  Instrumentation and geotech­nical assessment of local pipe wrinkling on the Norman Wells pipeline. Proceedings of the International Pipeline Conference 2000.  Calgary, Canada. 923 – 930.

Oswell, J.M., A.J. Hanna and R.M. Doblanko.  1998.  Update of Performance of Slopes on the Norman Wells Pipeline Project.  Proceedings of the 7th International Permafrost Confer­ence, Yellowknife, Canada.  Nordicana Series, l’Université Laval.

Oswell, J.M., D.G. Sparrow and K. Toovey.  1998.  Foundation Engineering in Downtown Calgary.  Geology and Engineering Geology in Southern Alberta, Calgary Geotechnical Society, Calgary, Alberta.  March 1998.

Oswell, J.M. and A.J. Hanna.  1997.  Aspects of Geotechnical Engineering in Permafrost Regions.  Innovative Design and Construction, edited by C.K. Tan.  Geotechnical Spe­cial Publication No. 73, American Society of Civil Engineering, 32 – 50.

Oswell, J.M., A. Doorduyn, A. Costin, and A.J. Hanna.  1995.  A Comparison of CIS and ASTM Soil Classification Systems.  Proceedings of the 48th Canadian Geotechnical Confer­ence.  Vancouver, Canada.

Doorduyn, A., J.M. Oswell, and A. Loktev.  1995.  Soil Classification: The Conversion from GOST to ASTM.  Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Development of the Russian Arctic Offshore.  St. Petersburg, Russia.

Oswell, J.M., A.J. Hanna, J.W. Leussink, and J.F. Nixon.  1995.  The Geotechnical Design of the Baydaratskaya Bay Pipeline Crossing.  Proceedings of the 5th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.  The Hague, The Netherlands.

Hanna, A.J., J.M. Oswell, E.C. McRoberts, J. Smith, and T. Fidel.  1994.  Initial Performance of Insulated Permafrost Slopes, Norman Wells Pipeline Project, Canada.  Proceedings of the 7th International Cold Regions Conference, Edmonton, Canada, pp.  369 – 395.

Graham, J., J.M. Oswell, and M.N. Grey.  1992.  The Effective Stress Concept in Saturated Sand-Clay Buffer.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 29(6):  1033 – 1043.

Oswell, J., J. Graham, B. Lingnau, and M. King.  1991.  Use of Side Drains in Triaxial Testing at Moderate to High Pressures.  Canadian Testing Journal, ASTM, 14(3)” 315 – 319.

Sladen, J.A. and J.M. Oswell.  1990.  Behaviour of Very Loose Sands in Triaxial Compression:  Authors Reply to Discussion.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 27(1): 162 – 163.

Oswell, J.M., B.E. Lingnau, K.B.P. Oslowy, and J. Graham.  1989.  Automatic Volume Change and Pressure Measurement Devices for Triaxial Testing of Soils: Discussion.  Geotech­nical Testing Journal, 26(2): 103 – 113.

Sladen, J.A. and J.M. Oswell.  1989.  Behaviour of Very Loose Sands in Triaxial Compression.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 26(2): 103 – 113.

Sladen, J.A. and J.M. Oswell.  1988.  The Induced Trench Method for Buried Pipe Protection:  A Critical Review and Case History.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 25(3): 541 – 549.

Oswell, J.M. and M.D. Graham.  1987.  Thawing Frozen Ground:  Field Trials and Analysis.  Journal of Cold Regions, ASCE, 1(2): 76 – 88.

Joshi, R.C., J.M. Oswell, and G.S. Natt.  1985.  Laboratory Investigations on Concrete and Geo­crete with High Flyash Contents.  Proceedings of the 7th International Ash Utilization Conference.  Orlando, FL. Oswell, J.M. and R.C. Joshi.  1985.  Soil Cement Shore Protection in Arctic Marine Environ­ments.  Proceedings of the ARCTIC ’85, ASCE Speciality Conference, pp. 93 – 101.